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How Interactive Sales Tools & Experiences Can Deliver the WOW Factor

Are you looking for an interactive sales tool that can do so much more than just be a nice bit of tech?

Maybe you’d like something that’s a showstopper to really WOW your customers, whilst perfectly demonstrating your product or solution’s value – not to mention also be a digital sales tool that your entire team can use to help deliver a consistent message and secure those sales.

Oh, wait a minute – maybe it could even be visual and interactive, too. Now wouldn’t THAT be something? Well, actually, it IS something; it’s called an interactive sales tool, and it’s what we’re going to be discussing in this blog.

Interactive sales tools, such as sales enablement tools or interactive touchscreen experiences can be a great addition to any sales team, for so many reasons (not just the ones above)! But today, we’re mainly going to talk to you about how they can deliver the WOW factor and delight your customers through interactive sales experiences.

Make a great first impression

Let’s start with the most obvious and shallow reason you might want to invest in an interactive sales tool; they look cool (after all, first impressions are all about what’s on the outside). If you walk into the boardroom with something like this, it’s going to immediately grab people’s attentions for all the right reasons.

This is, if you like, the WOW factor at its very base level. Another plus point here is that you’ll come across as a very forward-thinking, technologically savvy brand that has its finger on the pulse, which again is never a bad thing (unless your prospect is a Grade A. technophobe).

But, we know that delivering a good presentation or sales pitch is about so much more than just looks, which brings us onto our next point.

white iPad showing the product carousel that is available to support Wienerberger narrative selling
Wienerberger’s digital sales enablement tool is easy and intuitive to navigate with consistent messaging and interactive sales materials.

Deliver a visual and engaging experience

This is where an interactive sales tool can deliver stage two WOW factor at its finest. Once your prospects get over the initial first impression, and you begin your presentation, they’re taken on a journey that’s not only visual but also immersive, engaging and interactive.

This isn’t just any presentation; it’s more like an experience. There are so many fun features and interactivity you can add to your bespoke experience, depending on the customer and the sorts of things they’re going to want to hear or see. For complex solutions, an interactive diagram or blueprint is always a good option.

Or, you could have things such as infographics, 3D models, visual stories, downloadable pdfs and so much more besides – really, the only limit is your imagination, which is why it’s always best to ask your design agency or developer if an idea is possible. Most likely, it is!

TIP: Always design with your customer in mind – this is so important for creating successful interactive sales experiences that ensure you get a good return on your investment (and you should be looking at this as an investment).

Establish a meaningful two-way dialogue

Now we’re really starting to dig deeper, and it’s time for WOW factor stage three; because it’s all very well delivering some lovely visuals and relevant information in a fun and engaging way, but your sales team are going to need more than that if they want to sell.

The beauty of an interactive sales tool is that it can hold all the information your prospects are going to need, but in a way where you don’t have to flick through brochures or skip through lots of slides leading to ‘death by Powerpoint’. Oh no; not with interactivity at your fingertips.

Instead, you can allow them to lead the conversation by steering it in any direction they want – and each time, your sales team will be ready by immediately bringing up what they need to know on the screen. So, it allows for a natural, two-way conversation where they’re in the proverbial driving seat.

TIP: Different members of your team will probably have their own unique selling styles, and may want to stick to ‘what works’ for them. The good thing about a touchscreen is that it’s not limiting someone’s personal presenting style, but it does unify the content and presentation so that it’s consistent across the board.

Build a relationship with your customers

Establishing a meaningful sales conversation is so incredibly important if you want to build a good business relationship with your customers, so, just for a second, let’s say you’ve achieved that. Now, the prospect wants to continue the conversation after relating some of the details back to their colleagues – what do you do?

Luckily, with an interactive sales tool, you can allow them to email themselves copies of the relevant pdf or video; all they have to do is type in their email address, and press ‘send’. This means that you can work on building a good relationship with your customers beyond the boardroom.

Hopefully after you’ve managed to WOW them and beautifully demonstrate the value of your product or solution in a visual, memorable way – or even pull at their heartstrings with a wonderful visual story – it’s going to be the start of a beautiful relationship with customers. The next step’s up to you!

Find out more about interactive sales experiences

There are so many great possibilities when using an interactive sales tool to win business and aid in any sales enablement strategy. Constant advances in technology mean that the only real limit is your imagination!

A well thought-out interactive sales tool should hit all the right buttons with your customers, and help establish a meaningful dialogue where you can let them lead the conversation by talking about the elements they want to discuss, in the order they want to discuss them! No scrolling through endless slides.

Help your buyers quickly make sense of complex products and information so they can make smarter, faster buying decisions.

Find out how you can use POPcomms interactive presentation software to support your buyers and sellers.

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