Success in business is about so much more than just sales and a hitting a profitable bottom line – it’s also about building long-term relationships with customers.
For instance, did you know that by establishing an emotional connection with your customers, the lifetime value of those customers can increase by 300%? That’s a great case for taking the time to build customer relationships with the people who buy your products or solutions.
It’s often all too easy to get carried away with all the little details; like tracking sales, hitting targets and increasing your conversions, whilst forgetting about one of the most important elements that comes with creating a truly great brand; a good business / customer relationship.
There are so many ways interactive sales tools (such as a touchscreen experience) can be an effective way to connect with your customers and even help to build long-term customer relationships. These are tools we create to help sales teams really shine in the boardroom, on the go, or – well, anywhere.
We’ve listed the biggest, below:
Deliver the right information at the right time
Another stat for you; a staggering 95% of buyers choose someone who provides helpful content at each stage of the buying process – so it’s no surprise that more and more companies are beginning to take content marketing seriously.
Delivering helpful content to your customers at the right time (i.e. at any stage of the decision-making process) means that they’re able to make more informed decisions faster – and on their own terms. But finding the right content isn’t always easy when there’s a lot of it to sift through.
In contrast, when your sales team have access to an interactive sales tool, they’re able to locate and bring up relevant content that customers want to hear about. It’s a great way to start a conversation (more about that below).
Alternatively, the customer can browse the interactive experience themselves – in their own time – discover the information they’re looking for, and even email it to themselves. Just remember that delivering content is all about giving them the information they need to make their own decisions, rather than being salesy.
Create a memorable experience
By ‘memorable’, we of course mean for all the right reasons. Interactive sales tools like touchscreen experiences can be a great way to establish a connection with your customers by giving them a fun, enjoyable and engaging experience they won’t easily forget.
Humans are very tactile creatures by nature. We love being able to interact with things, and are often pleasantly surprised when we get something rewarding back.
So, if you can create an interactive experience that speaks to your best customers, and can add all sorts of fun features (like gamification, 3d object recognition, stories and more) then you’re probably onto a winner.
Of course, an interactive sales tool is about more than just providing a fun experience… which brings us onto our next point.
Demonstrate value easily and visually
Especially if you have a complex product or solution, demonstrating value to your customers can often be a bit more of a struggle – your sales team might have to look out various brochures, illustrations and bullet points that are really just hard work more than anything else.
What’s the alternative? Luckily, an interactive sales tool provides an effective, visual solution that can quickly demonstrate the value you need to get across to customers, and the problems it can help them solve.
You can achieve this with a touchscreen, and the likes of interactive diagrams, or even a powerful visual storytelling technique we call ‘A Day in the Life’. This is a fantastic way to show customers how your product or solution can make a difference to their life – and also shows them that you understand their world.

Establish an emotional connection
Visual storytelling techniques like the one we mentioned above are also good for something else; after all, who doesn’t love a good story? If you can tell a visual story that’s emotional, and that your customers can relate to, it can be a great way to establish and build on that all-important relationship with your customers.
After all, like we mentioned above, an emotional connection can help increase the lifetime value of your customers by 300%! Now, that’s really saying something.
But, let’s take this even further; customers are now expecting more when engaging with brands. We’d even go so far as to say they expect a story, and your sales team should be the ones who deliver, engage and make that connection. Storytelling is therefore integral to building long-term relationships with customers and making those sales throughout the customer journey.
Start a meaningful conversation
Finally, if you do all of the above with an interactive sales tool (and trust us, you can – we’ve helped business achieve this time and time again) then your team will be perfectly poised to start meaningful, two-way dialogue with your customers. In fact, it’s usually just the natural next step.
Communication is so important when establishing a relationship, and an interactive sales tool can be an effective way to get that conversation started. If the customer has a question, your sales team will be able to bring up relevant bits of information or content at the touch of a button, without skipping a beat!
This allows the customer to lead the conversation, and not have to listen to or sit-through a boring, one-way presentation or sales pitch. Leading to? You guessed it! The start of a beautiful (and mutually beneficial) relationship.
Build customer relationships with POP
Building long-term relationships with customers is oh-so important if you want your customers to buy-into your brand and… well, stay your customers. An interactive sales tool, like a touchscreen, can be an invaluable addition to your toolkit and give your sales team everything they need to make a sale, at their fingertips.
Not only can it help them to deliver the right information at the right time, it can also help to establish an emotional connection, start a meaningful conversation – where the customer leads the way – and leave them with a lasting impression of your brand.
Want to know more about your options when creating a handy sales tool in the form of an interactive touchscreen experience? Take a look and see what’s possible with POP!
Why not get in touch on If you’d like to know more about what’s possible with an interactive sales tool or presentation, get in touch today on +44 (0)117 329 1712 or
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